Alternate Modes There are basically three ways MandleAcid creates images: normal, transparent, and frantic. The normal mode combines Image "A" and "B" to form one intricate image. The frantic mode is a variation of this which simplifies parts of the final image so that larger areas share the same colors. An image created in frantic mode animates quickly, as if MandleAcid had ingested 3 cups of coffee. Merely hold down the command key as you click the render button. If you want to see Image "A" and "B" simultaneously (but not actually combined), hold down the option key as you click on the render button. This activates the transparent mode. I use this mode for softer, more diffuse images with extremely complex animation. All three modes may be explored quickly and easily after you are have pushed the render button. As you watch the image animate, try all three modes by holding down the appropriate keys as you click anywhere with the mouse. For example, holding down the option key and clicking the mouse causes the image to immediately redraw itself in transparent mode. Holding down the command key as you click makes the image re-appear in frantic mode. To see the image in normal mode, hold down the space bar as you click. Because of the speed and ease with which you can switch modes, you might as well try them all with each image you create from the control screen!